76 #pragma region Electrical float pickupPressure
Minimum pressure/voltage to activate.
Battery(Logger *prmLogger)
void FrameMove(double fTime) override
this is a generic unimplemented component framemove, eventually make a pure virtual function...
starter is very specific, load differential
void FrameMove(double fTime) override
this is a generic unimplemented component framemove, eventually make a pure virtual function...
float dropoutPressure
Minimum pressure/voltage to keep active.
Igniter(Logger *prmLogger)
Igniter is very specific, on or off set, we get the pulses.
void FrameMove(double fTime) override
this is a generic unimplemented component framemove, eventually make a pure virtual function...
N1 is very specific, load differential.
virtual void FrameMove(double fTime)
this is a generic unimplemented component framemove, eventually make a pure virtual function...
These have to be in this order.
Combustion Chamber is very specific, on or off set, we get the pulses.
Component * attachedToComponent
void FrameMove(double fTime) override
this is a generic unimplemented component framemove, eventually make a pure virtual function...
void FrameMove(double fTime) override
this is a generic unimplemented component framemove, eventually make a pure virtual function...
float temperature
void FrameMove(double fTime) override
this is a generic unimplemented component framemove, eventually make a pure virtual function...
void FrameMove(double fTime) override
this is a generic unimplemented component framemove, eventually make a pure virtual function...
Switch(Logger *prmLogger)
float averageServiceLife
Average service life in hours.
float serviceLifeCycleHit
Power-on service life cycle hit.
TempSensor(Logger *prmLogger)
Switch is a direct-set (no control voltage, command from bus from physical switch) which takes a supp...
void PropogateLoad(System system)
float serviceLifeRemaining
Starter(Logger *prmLogger)
double lastTimeProcessed
these don't get stored anywhere
std::vector< Dependency > dependencies
float EvaluateDependency(System system)
void FrameMove(double fTime) override
this is a generic unimplemented component framemove, eventually make a pure virtual function...
void FrameMove(double fTime) override
this is a generic unimplemented component framemove, eventually make a pure virtual function...
void FrameMove(double fTime) override
this is a generic unimplemented component framemove, eventually make a pure virtual function...
Combustion(Logger *prmLogger)
N2 is very specific, load differential.
Temperature sensor reads data from setState (or attached component?) and puts it on currentState assu...
real components simply take setState and apply it to currentState, they run their own fault states ...