1 #include "../../Component.h" 25 sprintf_s(msg, 99,
"Relay->FrameMove->%s control voltage changed: %f",
name.c_str(), controlVoltage);
29 float newCapacityPressureEtc;
38 newCapacityPressureEtc = 0.0f;
47 sprintf_s(msg, 99,
"Relay->FrameMove->%s updated capacityPressureEtc to %f",
float pickupPressure
Minimum pressure/voltage to activate.
float dropoutPressure
Minimum pressure/voltage to keep active.
These have to be in this order.
void FrameMove(double fTime) override
this is a generic unimplemented component framemove, eventually make a pure virtual function...
float capacityPressureEtc
propogated supply
float serviceLifeCycleHit
Power-on service life cycle hit.
void PropogateLoad(System system)
float serviceLifeRemaining
void Log(const char *msg, Level level=Info, int errorCode=0)
These have to be in this order.
float EvaluateDependency(System system)