The Vieneo Province
Todo List
Member AlertMessageStack::Render () override
we need to count how many are off page and limit page
Member buildings::Building (short t, short s) const
should be a simpler way ... for example 0-1 x and 0-1 y ... if x+y>1 then we know we have crossed the line!
Member Bus::PressureAltitudeKm
Member CargoManagement::HandleKeyPress (short key, bool shift) override
need to make sure bay doors are open
Member CargoManagement::Render () override

this one is suspicious, what case would it not be set

look at maybe aggregating lines where if we have lock pick SETS we show (2) like old inventory manager

80 lbs limit hard-coded on server, probably should be based on strength

look at maybe aggregating lines where if we have lock pick SETS we show (2) like old inventory manager

Member Cas::FrameMove (float fElapsedTime) override

we could probably make it wait 2 seconds as long as last frame didn't add/remove anything

hard-coded for now, what should it really be based off of?

need to add a warning for if they take off (in an air vehicle)

Member cockpit::Render (IDirect3DDevice9 *pd3dDevice) const

to support seat trim color in C-2A later

so we want to have a minimum color of 0xFF101010

I don't think we are adjusting the texel coordinates for stage 2

we aren't tracking TTF

not tracking TTF

Member CommunicationsDialog::DialogCallback (UINT nEvent, int nControlID, CDXUTControl *pControl, void *pUserContext)
could be done on server?
Member DeviceObject::textureSRV
track filename (good) or CRC (best)
Member DialogBase::CheckDialogMouse ()
Member DialogBase::ClickEditableField (short t, int field)
Member DialogBase::OnEnter ()
Member GameClass::KeyboardProc (UINT nChar, bool bKeyDown, bool bAltDown, void *pUserContext)
we are so close to getting rid of this block my only hesitation is the VK_OEM_2 and "56" mapping right
Member Gpws::FrameMove (float fElapsedTime) override

Mode 4C?

hard-coded right now, if we can eventually set DH/MDA

Mode 6 V-Speeds? They are really more complicated than this because they change with weight and flap configuration and runway length and conditions

Member grid::CalculateInsideArray (short t, short s) const
I think with doubling the elevation data sampling we won't need to do this?
Member grid::Process ()
why are we doing the ones that aren't visible?!
Member HMI::LoadConfiguration () const
right now we have just initialized version 1 on 1/10/2020 so we can't use it to fix the file
Member HMI::LoadLanguage ()

steam differentiates traditional and simplified

steam differentiates traditional and simplified

steam differentiates brazilian vs. portuguese

steam differentiates brazilian vs. portuguese

Member HMI::PlayerJoinedChannel (short tab, unsigned char playerindex)
could play a sound here for a player joining channel
Member HMI::PlayerLeftChannel (short tab, unsigned char playerindex)
could play a sound here for a player leaving a channel
Member Instrument::DrawText (const WCHAR *str, int relativeX, int relativeY, float prmZ, int flags, D3DXCOLOR color, int font=-1, std::string elementName="", int width=0, int height=0)
could be used for tutorial mode
Member Instrument::uiRow
I think these are only used in the cargo manifest so far!?
Member Intermedia::Render () override
sprite background Menus\Mine.dds
Member MovingMap::Render () override
internal list sorted by distance so we can take top 30?
Member Networking::RakNetMessageHandler (RakNet::Packet *packet) const

we don't actually care about x, y, leftright, updown, rolltilt, or heading right now

this seems dangerous, server should probably handle this?

could update the Biometer here if we choose to reveal this information

could downgrade this to char

Member PeopleManagerDialog::UpdateMenu (short tab)
should be alliance ID
Member propulsion::Update (float fElapsedTime)

this is the only place we reference the D3D9Device in Propulsion->Update

would love to add reverser sound and reverse effect sound!

turned this off 3/23/2020 for

we could jack with this number based on a bad sensor but it is the combined density and relative wind from above (ram air)


we are using exteriorInsulationHeatTransferCoefficient for emissivity ... not sure that is accurate https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/emissivity-coefficients-d_447.html

could evaluate each direction with different insulating values front back top bottom left/right

not sure but I think we should use the wing PLAN area here not frontal drag profile for conduction

so there is a difference between the aileron snapping off and not having a sensor for that vs. a feedback loop that says we can't talk to it

so there is a difference between the aileron snapping off and not having a sensor for that vs. a feedback loop that says we can't talk to it

here we could mess with the probe ... false positives ... false negatives

this is based on failure which is based on a minimum N1 no?

I think this only takes into account split flap TE ... not LE adjustment to hold laminar flow?

technically if it is in R and we are going forward or vice-versa?

lots more we could do here, ramp up from 30 to 45 degrees, left and right brake depending on left or right wing scrape

is this the only place where we would use sound->IsPlaying()?

Member Screen::name
could configure defaultPage
Member Sound::PlayEx (int soundEnum, bool loop, float volume=1.0f, float frequencyMod=1.0f, float pan=0.0f, bool restart=true)
should be a way to do 360?
Member Sound::PrecipWindSoundBarrier (D3DXVECTOR3 relativewind, float elapsedTime)

this was all wrong ... should be D3DXVec3Lerp(&relativewindtarget, &relativewindtarget, &relativewind, elapsedTime); and then use relativewindtarget not relativewind

not really how it works... the wave it makes is continuous so they could hit someone with the wave later if they maintain supersonic flight

Member Viewscreen::CalculateAGLd (D3DXVECTOR3 terpos, double terprecisionx, double terprecisiony, double terprecisionz, double proposedx, double proposedy, double proposedz, D3DXVECTOR3 proposed, bool makeleveler)
could try wider swath if we are seeing a lot of this
Member Viewscreen::LoadVehicleProfile (short t, bool forceCockpitTextures=false)

should we be doing this here or when we release a vehicle

seems a little low

wonder if we need to have SIZE of the tires on there too


we need to wire up the drag of the engines! f24?

not sure what to do here yet

not sure what to do here yet

not sure what to do here yet

not sure what to do here yet BUT if we change this here we have to change it in playerships[t].steerLimitRadian too

not sure what to do here yet

not sure what to do here yet

not sure what to do here yet

need to verify chair location in INT

Member Viewscreen::Movement (short t, float ElapsedTime)

we should explore getting weights for each vehicle from the server

are we really supposed to cut the engines when we hit something?

should we do this or should we keep track of a "max" displacement value

it appears that we only check our BIG bound sphere through the polygons for the buildings instead of per MODULE

technically as we pitch or roll away from plumb line the radio altitude would increase to infinity

technically need to check sec and ter but would be nice if we could use transition maps to figure where we are?

Member Viewscreen::OnDestroyDevice ()
we need to change the rest of this stuff so we are clearing these when we release the above stuff... not right before we load new stuff!
Member Viewscreen::OnFrameMove (double fTime, float fElapsedTime)

could make this prone to sensor errors

should ramp up and then slow down again

probably should remove this after we figure out what is causing the exception

this is where we could have a disagree between reality and what is displayed

these would also piss off passengers

need a ruling on this, add a filter or include pods with GV's

Member Viewscreen::OnFrameRender (IDirect3DDevice9 *pd3dDevice, double fTime) const

this block should be moved to framemove to handle calculations during idle time

this block should be moved to framemove to handle calculations during idle time

position is just the negative playerships[0].position

we want to support concrete, asphalt, and 3 diminishing grades of Marston mats

this should not be done in OnFrameRender! move to OnFrameMove!

means they are 2km wide? should be 540 feet or 165 meters

again this should only be done in framemove and only if width or height changes on the backbuffer

again this should only be done in framemove and only if width or height changes on the backbuffer

again this should only be done in framemove

Member Viewscreen::OnFrameRender2 (IDirect3DDevice9 *pd3dDevice, float fElapsedTime)
when we finally get rid of the old instruments we remove our dependency on fElapsedTime in OnFrameRender2!
Member WaypointDialog::ActivateWaypoint ()
I suppose if we keep seeing this just log the error in trace ... I turned off the activate button by default maybe that will make this go away
Member WaypointDialog::UpdateMenu (short tab) override

could allow them to mark when they are in another vehicle that is on the ground?

add folder temporarily turned off until we get groups sorted out on waypoints

Member waypoints::AddOrUpdate (Swaypoint tempwaypoint) const
probably a better way to do this with vector
Member waypoints::Find (int uniqueid) const
probably a better way to do this with vector
Member waypoints::FindByUniqueId (int id) const
probably a better way to do this with vector
Member weather::GetCloudCeilingMslKm () const
override with GUI values
Member weather::GetTemperatureCelsius () const
override with GUI values
Member weather::GetTurbidity () const
override with GUI values
Member weather::GetTurbulence () const
override with GUI values
Member weather::GetWindDirectionRadians () const
override with GUI values
Member weather::GetWindspeedKms () const
override with GUI values
Member weather::SetTurbulenceScalar (float prmTurbulence)
we don't smooth?
Member weather::SetWindspeedKms (float prmWindspeed)
we don't smooth?