197 GPWS = GpwsEnum::NoAlert;
218 TCAS = TcasEnum::Clear_Of_Conflict;
305 if (elementName.empty())
321 if (elementName.empty())
Location = D3DXVECTOR3(-57.0f / 180.0f * 19012.290420994710720528225226931f, 7.5f / 90.0f * 9506.1452104973553602641126134654f + 0.015f, -35.0f - 0.028f);
375 __declspec(deprecated)
Nullable<float> GetComponentStateFloat(std::string guidStr);
377 float* GetComponentCurrentStatePtr(std::string guidStr);
381 void FrameMove(
float fElapsed,
double fTime);
(35) Ground proximity warning system;
std::vector< std::string > highlightElements
float LeadingEdgeFlapsPosition
(21) Leading edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (except when parameters of paragraph (a)(86)...
float EngineThrustCommand[enginesC]
(57) Thrust command (when an information source is installed);
double PlatformFrontRightBellow
float EngineThrustOutput[enginesC]
(9) Thrust/power of each engine—primary flight crew reference;
bool IsVisible(std::string elementName)
std::vector< Message > messages
Unsafe terrain clearance with gear not down AND DECENDING.
float occupantPitchControlAuthority
double ProgramTime
Identified a need for these in modules.
float occupantRollControlAuthority
(25) Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) modes and engagement status, including autothrottle; ...
std::vector< Command > commandStream
float FuelWeight
pounds, dynamic later based on module weight calculation (stuff can get blown off) ...
double PlatformFrontLeftBellow
Systems::Fault * GetComponentFaultStatePtr(std::string guidStr)
Altitude Loss After TakeOff.
std::vector< Vehicle > vehicles
enum Bus::Afcs::LateralModes CurrentLateralMode
Systems::Component * GetComponent(std::string guidStr)
Excessive barometric descent rate.
float RollControlSurfacePosition
std::vector< Waypoint > waypoints
void AppendCommands(std::vector< Command > *commands)
float GroundSpeed
(33) hydraulic pressure LOW each loop
float EmptyWeight
needs to be configurable XML
float IndicatedAirspeed
(3) Indicated Airspeed in km per second?
Excessive deviation below glideslope.
float PitchAttitude
(6) Pitch attitude;
float HeadingTrue
(4) Heading–primary flight crew reference (if selectable, record discrete, true or magnetic); ...
std::vector< bool > Transmitting
(8) Manual radio transmitter keying, or CVR/DFDR synchronization reference;
(44) Traffic alert and collision avoidance system;
D3DXVECTOR3 NormalAcceleration
(5) vertical (11) longitudinal (18) lateral
float PitchTrimSurfacePosition
(19) Pitch trim surface position or parameters of paragraph (a)(82) of this section if currently reco...
float OATorTAT
(24) Outside or total air temperature;
float RollAttitude
(7) Roll attitude;
float GrossWeight() const
bool ThrustReverser[enginesC]
(22) Each Thrust reverser position
float TerrainClosureRate
so we can get data into GPWS?
float DiscreetSurfacePostion[4]
#define enginesC
Data Bus.
float PayloadWeight
pounds, dynamic later as we burn fuel
void FrameMove(float fElapsed, double fTime)
double PlatformBackLeftBellow
float TrailingEdgeFlapsPosition
(20) Trailing edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (except when parameters of paragraph (a)(85...
(29) Marker beacon passage;
enum Bus::Afcs::VerticalModes StandbyVerticalMode
std::string receiptNumber
float YawControlSurfacePosition
int PlatformMotionSequencer
enum Bus::Afcs::VerticalModes CurrentVerticalMode
std::vector< Systems::Component * > components
float * GetComponentSetStatePtr(std::string guidStr)
D3DXVECTOR3 PlatformAcceleration
bool IsDim(std::string elementName)
bool IsCommandOnStack(std::string commandName)
void AddHighlight(std::string elementName)
enum Bus::MarkerBeacons MarkerBeacon
enum Bus::Afcs::LateralModes StandbyLateralMode
so I guess we allow them to fly until they get to x degrees off
Excessive terrain closure rate.
double PlatformBackRightBellow
float ObstacleClosureRate
float SpoilerPosition
void RemoveHighlight(std::string elementName)
this section is required flight data (FDR)
float GlideslopeDeviation