Dropship Simulator
Todo List
Member AlertMessageStack::Render (float fElapsed) override
we need to count how many are off page and limit page
Member DEVICE_OBJECT::textureSRV
track filename (good) or CRC (best)
Member Devices::Apcupsd::FrameMove (float fElapsed)
we would lose connection if the service stopped? we should try to connect every few seconds
Member Devices::Apcupsd::Initialize (Logger *logger, ApcupsdConfig *config, Bus *bus)
need to make this configurable? Or get rid of it from this file actually what we need to do is make components out of each of these values so we can FDR it?
Member Devices::Apcupsd::STATUS::REG1 [16]
store as WORD?
Member Devices::Apcupsd::STATUS::REG2 [16]
store as WORD?
Member Devices::Apcupsd::STATUS::REG3 [16]
store as WORD?
Member Devices::Apcupsd::STATUS::STATFLAG [23]
store as DWORD?
Member Devices::ApcupsdParam::guidPtrInt
this won't work for setting fault status
Member Devices::Printer::FrameMove ()
needs to be drawn from the config file, printer configuration
Member Devices::Printer::GetPrinterDC ()
needs to be specified in the configuration file, printer configuration
Member Devices::TeamSpeak::Initialize (Logger *prmLogger, TeamSpeakConfig *prmConfig, Bus *prmBus)
Member FrameMove (double fTime, float fElapsedTime)
artifically slow down the program for now...
Member Instrument::Instrument (int prmX, int prmY, float prmXScale, float prmYScale)
viewport has a theme which is passed to Render? or instruments can have bgcolor, fgcolor, font color?
Member Logger::Log (const char *msg, Level level=Info, int errorCode=0)
Monitis support?
Member Rtu::FrameMove (float fElapsedTime) override
if (!bus->IsTransmitting()) // one at a time?
Member Screen::Render (float fElapsed)
probably need to read command stream from bus here in a FrameMove method to change pages
Class Systems::Connector
are we worried about two connectors feeding from a component dividing the pressure/current/flow? Also if we do in/out we could have backflow situations which would be awesome!
Member Systems::Relay::FrameMove (double fTime) override
could add flutter?
Member Systems::Virtualization::bus

determine failures

damage control

apply states from command stream

push sensor values to bus?

push state changes to command stream?

Member Systems::Virtualization::LoadFile ()
need to define defaults for connectors based on system type
Member Systems::Virtualization::SaveFile ()
need to define defaults for connectors based on system type
Member Systems::Virtualization::~Virtualization ()
save file
Member Watch::currentState
should be moved to private, pointer to currentState so we can keep from looking it up each time