Dropship Simulator
This is the complete list of members for IndicatedAirSpeedTape, including all inherited members.
bus | Instrument | protected |
DrawText(const WCHAR *str, int x, int y, int flags, D3DXCOLOR color, int font, std::string elementName) | Instrument | inline |
flip | Instrument | protected |
font | IndicatedAirSpeedTape | private |
fonts | Instrument | protected |
height | Instrument | protected |
ias | IndicatedAirSpeedTape | private |
IndicatedAirSpeedTape(int prmX, int prmY, int prmWidth, int prmHeight, std::string prmTextureFile, float prmModulateKm) | IndicatedAirSpeedTape | |
Initialize(Bus *prmBus, Logger *prmLogger, DEVICE_OBJECT *prmDevice, int prmScreenWidth, int prmScreenHeight, std::vector< Font > *prmFonts, bool prmFlip) override | IndicatedAirSpeedTape | virtual |
Instrument(int prmX, int prmY, float prmXScale, float prmYScale) | Instrument | inline |
logger | Instrument | protected |
modulateKm | IndicatedAirSpeedTape | private |
pDevice | Instrument | protected |
Render(float fElapsed) override | IndicatedAirSpeedTape | virtual |
screenHeight | Instrument | protected |
screenWidth | Instrument | protected |
sprite | IndicatedAirSpeedTape | private |
standardHeight | Instrument | protected |
standardWidth | Instrument | protected |
textureFile | IndicatedAirSpeedTape | private |
tvpitchscale | IndicatedAirSpeedTape | private |
tvrange | IndicatedAirSpeedTape | private |
vertoffset | IndicatedAirSpeedTape | private |
width | Instrument | protected |
x | Instrument | protected |
xScale | Instrument | protected |
y | Instrument | protected |
yScale | Instrument | protected |
~Instrument() | Instrument | inlinevirtual |